Sunday, September 21, 2014

Conditional Statement

Original: If it is warm outside, then I wear shorts.
This is true because warm weather calls for less layers, and that would mean wearing shorts.
Inverse: If it is not warm outside, then I do not wear shorts.
This is false because even if it is not warm outside, I can still wear shorts.
Converse: If I am wearing shorts, then it is warm outside.
This is false because I can wear shorts in the winter. It is ultimately my decision on what clothes to wear.
Contrapositive: If I did not wear shorts, then it was not warm outside.
This is true because if I wore pants, then it was too cold to wear shorts. I do get cold easily.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Why Math is Fantastic

Honestly, I don't like math all that much. I find it annoying. But I do appreciate how one formula works for everything that it is used for. That's pretty cool. It's also interesting how numbers just keep going and going and going. Now that will make you feel small any day.